Lexus announces launch prices and customer offer for the all-new LBX crossover

Lexus announces launch prices and customer offer for the all-new LBX crossover

22 September 2023

London car park transformed into extraordinary immersive light experience to mark launch of Lexus LBX

London car park transformed into extraordinary immersive light experience to mark launch of Lexus LBX

18 September 2023

Extraordinary Street Gallery to celebrate the all-new Lexus LBX

Lexus creates an Extraordinary Street Gallery to celebrate the all-new LBX crossover.

London car park transformed into extraordinary immersive light experience to mark launch of Lexus LBX

London car park transformed into extraordinary immersive light experience to mark launch of Lexus LBX

10 August 2023

Lexus opens pre-sales for the all-new LBX compact crossover

Lexus opens pre-sales for the all-new LBX compact crossover

1 August 2023

All-new Lexus LBX embarks on UK debut tour

All-new Lexus LBX makes summer debut tour of UK cities and events.

5 June 2023

World premiere of the all-new Lexus LBX

World premiere of the all-new Lexus LBX compact SUV.

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